Joebar admin ?
Serwis znalezionych frazguitar-world portal
Hello, I have to apply for recruitment in the large family UMRZYJ.
I would like to become admin server surfing.
My name is Jonathan, I live in Montauban near Toulouse in France.
I have 20 years and I play counterstrike for 6years. When I'm not connected on cs, I play WoW. =)
I do a lot of surfing, but also the FFA on French servers.
I love surfing your server configuration and I would like to participate in enforcing the rules on this server.
My nickname GI: Joebar
Knowledge of controls AMX / RCON : 9 / 10
I've often been server administrator and moderator forums.
Why me?
A French person in your prize list could better understand the rules on the server and I'd be happy to contribute to the development of this server.
Polska wersja:
Jestem na NIE. Nie jestem Rasist±, ale uwa¿am, ¿e obcokrajowiec nie powinien byæ administratorem na Polskim serwie, a tym bardziej moderatorem na forum ^ ^ - lekka przesada.
Co wy o tym s±dzicie.?
No i liczba godzin na serwie nie jest zadowalaj±ca ; ]
English version:
I am not. I am not racist, but I believe that a foreigner should not be an administrator for Service plans, much less a moderator on the forum ^ ^ - slight exaggeration.
What do you think.?
The number of hours of our website is not satisfactory;]
Dodam jeszcze, ¿e Polski translator wcale mu nie u³atwi pracy jako ModKa na forum, a praca z Lud¼mi na serwie - To by by³o ciekawe, poniewa¿ jest sporo obcokrajowców z którymi móg³by siê z ³atwo¶ci± porozumieæ, lecz bardzo ma³o gra na serwie ; ]
Tak wiêc we¼cie to pod uwagê ; ]
Mo¿e to nie jest obcokrajowiec tylko Polak i chcia³ siê popisaæ swoim angelskim.
Liczba przegranych godzin=NIE
If the orders are clear and precise, whether the rules of the forum and server surfing, I think I would have no problems understanding.
I also think it may be a new experience unusual to incorporate a "foreigner" in the team. I could more easily understand the players decisions and rules for the French and English.
About the number of hours spent on the website, I can spend more time and give my opinion if it's worth it.
Joebar my friend. Hours spent on the server are very important. Show how much you are spending time on our server;) will be moderating rather not, but I am for probation for you
Polska wersja:
Joebar mój przyjacielu. Godziny spêdzone na serwerze s± bardzo wa¿ne. Pokazuj± ile spêdzasz czasu na naszym serwerze ; )
Moderatorem raczej nie zostaniesz, ale jestem za Okresem Próbnym dla Ciebie.
przecie¿ to nic nie kosztujê, a mo¿e siê sprawdzi :P
Sory but you have to speak or write in polish :(