Another one...
Serwis znalezionych frazguitar-world portal
[AMXBANS] ===============================================
[AMXBANS] Zostales zbanowany przez [SM] [BadBoys^] Nie Mam Farta^
[AMXBANS] Zostalo Ci 3 hours , 59 minutes and 18 seconds do konca bana.
[AMXBANS] Zbanowany nick : |WS| ActiveX
[AMXBANS] Przyczyna : ' : ) '
[AMXBANS] Bana mozesz wyjasnic na
[AMXBANS] Twoj SteamID : ' '
[AMXBANS] Twoje IP : ' '
[AMXBANS] =======================================
He banned me for no reason, how everyone can see.
I just called him a 'noob' because it was 1on1, i was in jail and he used awp.
4 hours ban for the word noob?
That's embarrasing for an socalled 'Admin'... just poor.
When we played we were alone and I killed you, and you offended me. I understand that you were upset, but you did not have the right to offend me, or another player.
As the image of such a controller can be considered a reduced penalty because I do not know why you resent it and are complaining.?
P.S zmieñcie dzia³.
Dude i didn't offend you. I was just a little bit upset because I hate it when it's 1on1 and the other one takes awp while the other one is in jail, it's like a coward.
You don't have to take the 'noob' personal; it happens that such words are said when someone get killed like this... You don't have to ban for that !?
You had no right to insult me, but it did and for that I met you a penalty. Small. Because 4 hours is very little. I should have to apologize for insulting me and thank you got a ban on such a short time which is only 4 hours. You have been partly exempted on the grounds that he once played as a team. I understand the frustration, because I also had this exact situation, but does not write to that person being a "noob" just try to calm down and not give up emotions like a normal kid.
I don't know what to say. You make such a riot for this word?
There a people who write things like mother****** or sth. like that and they never got banned for that. I said 'noob' and got banned for 4 hours.
One time you called me a 'camper'. Isn't that an offend too? Because (If you know the rules, what I hope) you wouldn't have called me a camper.
And I don't understand admins like you; those need 10 hours to ban an aimbotter, or they don't even ban him (because they may be blind?). But they need 1 sec to ban someone who calls him a 'noob'. That's really sad
What about the fact that others write.? Others I do not care. Offended me and have been punished. The matter is simple, and you are complaining do not know why. That is sad. You got a ban and you could wait for those four hours, but you called out to write a complaint, which is the top Przegra³a¶. Your wine is obviously without any reason because I was offended by your person. What you're saying here is simply ridiculous. You are trying to call me kameperm well, but it was a pure shot of the tower and sat there for more than 5 seconds, and allowed the 20th! Stop this ridiculous farce and no more. Trying to blame their stupidity on me, but I will not allow it. Subject closed. Wine is on your side. Reason - controller and image. Thank you and see you in the game.
przygania³ kocio³ garnkowi. Patrz±c na Twoje wygas³e bany, wnioskujê ¿e jaki¶ czas temu zdo³a³e¶ obraziæ adminów du¿o gorszymi s³owami...
ActiveX, to sta³y gracz naszej sieci. Na 4FUN pamiêtam go od zawsze i nigdy, nikogo nie obrazi³.
A 'noob'? Wzie³o siê od 'newbie' - w wolnym t³umaczeniu ¿ó³todziób, nowicjusz. Naprawdê to takie obra¼liwe?
W ¿adnym wypadku nie podwa¿am Twojej decyzji, ale moim zdaniem, niepotrzebny ban. :)
wiem ze nie moj dzia³ ale, man!o, z ta obraza sie musze z toba zgodzic bo niby niemamfarta^, zosta³ leciutko obrazony a sam za mojej kadencji dostal bana na 5 minut za cos tam to by³o "o kur.... co za poje....
przygania³ kocio³ garnkowi. Patrz±c na Twoje wygas³e bany, wnioskujê ¿e jaki¶ czas temu zdo³a³e¶ obraziæ adminów du¿o gorszymi s³owami...
ActiveX, to sta³y gracz naszej sieci. Na 4FUN pamiêtam go od zawsze i nigdy, nikogo nie obrazi³.
To, ¿e jest sta³ym graczem nie jest ¿adnym argumentem. Rozumiem, ¿e mo¿e jeszcze siê nie zdarzy³o , ale zawsze jest pierwszy raz
Naja was soll ich gegen einen Admin schon machen ...